Friday, October 23, 2009

I did It.

I did not realize that it has been so many months since I have blogged. Things have been crazy busy.

ALL my kids are now in school for some part of the day! Who ever thought this would happen. I can not believe how grown they are. Tony and me are always telling the kids how proud of them we are.. today I told Lorenzo that I was proud of him for being such a good boy on his field trip. (he went to the pumpkin patch with his headstart class) And he asked me are you "Proud of me like Dad is??" Who knew, how important little things are. He is definately the comedian of the family and so funny. Gotta love my Lenny!

Another major sadness for me is that Rachael is once again living with her grandmother. I am not going to go into details but at best she should know that we all miss her and maybe some days we just don't laugh as much.
The biggest news is......... I AM RECONNECTED AND THE PLUMBING WORKS!!!!!
I finally scheduled the surgery and went in on Octiber 12 to get rid of the ileostomy bag! I must say that I was nervous and really not sure if I wanted to do it. I was mostly afriad of it not working or having to wear adult diapers forever. Once you have the bag, you adjust to it and its really not as "bad" as it is. Anyways, everyone else felt I really needed to get this done and well I wasn't sure and I can't even say I was exicted about it.
But now that I did it, I feel DIFFERENT! I feel BETTER. I know I am still suffering the side effects from the chemo but I feel so much better. I think it was a head thing. Now I am waiting for the wound to finish healing so I can move on to the next phase in my life. Whatever that may be. October is Breast Cancer awarness month. I am glad that so many women are behind the cause and supporting it. I am also JEALOUS. Most have heard my rants about other cancers (ie Colon) not getting enough funding because BC is consumming all the dollars. Just when you think about BC also think about the other cancers! And as always... check your butts!

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